Little Alchemy 2 – Is It Really So Good?

Little Alchemy 2 lends itself well to a variety of disciplines, but it’s not intended to teach any specific one. It can be a good alternative for students who have finished their work earlier or as an alternative homework assignment. For more traditional education, teachers can assign students to map out factors trees (which appear to be similar to webs) while they develop new elements. Teachers could also connect to the elements like the centaur, organic matter or primordial soup, and examine how they were made during the game, and extend this to history, literature or science classes.

Although the elements that are combined don’t necessarily reflect scientific accuracy however, they can be an excellent basis to discuss how the elements depicted in the gameor the actual elementsare scientifically related to the game’s simplified. It is also possible to talk about symbolism in literary works and the language. The initial things are more literal however, as time passes players are exposed to deeper metaphorical concepts such as love as well as time, sickness and death. Teachers can have students expand these concepts, discussing the reasons behind why Little Alchemy 2 connects the concepts to specific elements. Students can also create their own combinations, and possibly even create the games themselves.

Students are challenged to determine the number of elements they can solve. If they are stuck, help them share tips with each other. Let them think about the kinds of things could be mixed up in real life, or in a fantasy universe (such as when a horse and humans creates centaurs). You can then use online “cheats” to break up any angst and encourage students mixing again.

It’s an enjoyable and addictive game. It is easy to get getting lost in it as you design a unicorn zombie, or simply out in space. Although I didn’t direct explain the gameplay to students in my class, I had to introduce a few students to some of the game’s features. The machines in my lab were able to keep previous students their progress, and the students had to be able to restart the game. I’m always searching for the latest, fresh game to teach my students, and this was one that they loved both at school and at home. Link to play :